...and write ALL over your playroom walls...
SS wasn't very happy when we took away the colored pencils she had found and written all over the walls. She didn't do just one spot. Noooooo....she wrote on all 4 walls. If this is the reaction she gives just when we take something away, I can't imagine when she actually gets disciplined for something!
I think I forgot to mention the bathing dolls incident last week! How could I forget that?! The girls were quiet and Shao came out with damp hair. She said there was water on the floor. I went to investigate and found that the girls were giving their dolls a bath----IN THE TOILET! And they also decided to wet their own hair while they were at it--WITH TOILET WATER! Can we say "EWWWWW! Gross!!!?" It was everywhere. And they were cloth dolls.
"Naughty like a boy" all her reports said. I didn't believe them at first. It didn't take me long to realize--they were right. Sigh.
Oh, Charlene, I'm so sorry! Hopefully the marks came off. Liam drew a big smiley face guy on his wall...turned out he actually didn't know it wasn't OK to do that. I took a picture before we repainted. Too funny. Oh, and Sara said, "Look, Mommy, I did it!" last week. She had totally scribbled all over Chelsea's math paper! Oh my...sending you love (and prayers for peace!)
Oh my goodness! What a mess! Hopefully she learned her lesson AND you were able to clean it up! We are in the beginning process of bringing home another China blessing ourselves! Take a look at us, if you wish at mcnewfamily.blogspot.com.
oh the drama at your house too! I lOVE the picture!!!
Oh my! It's so good to see your updates and see that the drama in my house is normal:)
Heather (FL)
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