Tuesday, January 20, 2009


These 2 girls are amazing! Watching them play together, as if they've been sisters all their life is just such a awe inspiring event. I mean how many 3 and 2 year olds actually play "together?" Shaoey calls her sister and friend...what a sweetie! God has been so good to us. I thought I'd some video here of how sweet they are playing together.

I love this next one as Shaoey's talking about us adopting Grace!


Keri said...

So, so cute! I love hearing Grace call you Mama! It is just like music!


Pam said...

How cute are they?????? And I LLOVE hearing Grace calling you mama, too!


2 China 4 Addison said...

Charlene, I just smiled all the way through both of those videos.
They are precious!!!