I'm not one to give him too much attention, but do you ever get the feeling Satan's trying to stop a divine intervention?
I'm having an open house today to sell Thirty-One for our adoption and I have other stuff to help SFCV. I have been VERY dizzy the past 3 days, the kids have dropped and broken more things than I can count, my shower head appears to be broken behind the wall and durning my shower this morning it flooded the a/c closet and part of the hall and my closet, and I put fresh coffee on for whomever shows up today and forgot to empty the morning's coffee--yes, all over the counter and onto the kitchen floor.
The last time I had this kind of morning was a few years ago. I almost didn't go on this field trip, the obstacles were too many to recount. But I pressed on (and on and on) and I still remember the moment I felt the higher purpose. I met a sweet new friend and had the joy of following their journey to adopt their daughter from China. (Hi, Mollie!)
So I wonder what, or who, today will bring?