Friday, December 3, 2010

Depraved Indifference

What a great video...

God has so changed our lives and our hearts toward these children. It's so hard to explain to my friends and family. I know some of them are tired of hearing it and want to close their ears to the call, but it is undeniable--God has called us to care for these children. And it's not all about adoption. I know that not everyone will answer the call to adopt, but it is bigger than that. It is about caring for them, praying for them, having your hearts broken for what breaks God's heart....

What would you do if that was your child? How do you think God feels when He looks down and sees one of His children abandoned with no one to care for him while we sit in our abundance and ignore the situation or sit around talking about it without action? I stand by my beliefs that everyone can do something. I KNOW it seems overwhelming and you begin to believe the lies of Satan that what one person does doesn't make a difference, but believe me, IT DOES!